On-line luminescent dosimetry of product processing mode at an electron linac
Possibilites of isotopes production of ¹⁵³Sm, ¹⁷⁵Yb, ¹⁸⁶Re at the electronic accelerator
An estimate of cross-section of photo-proton reactions on ⁴⁷⁻⁵⁰Ti isotopes
Estimation of gross-structure parameters of giant dipole resonance: 2. Experimental testing
Application of cathodoluminescence for on-line monitoring of regime of an industrial electron accelerator
Use of molybdenite nanoparticles for photonuclear production of technetium-99m
On critical parameters of photonuclear isotope production
Optimization of a Compton direct-charge detector for monitoring high-energy bremsstrahlung radiation
Operation of an industrial electron accelerator in a double-beam e,X-mode
The possibility of application of pyrometric method in industrial dosimetry of electron beam radiation
Analysis of a double-beam e,X-mode at an idustrial accelerator “EPOS”
An estimate of ⁴⁷Sc photonuclear yield in a production target
Calibration of a system for on-line monitoring of electron energy and absorbed dose at an industrial accelerator LU-10
Estimation of gross-structure parameters of giant dipole resonance: 1. A method
Formation and monitoring of secondary X-ray radiation under product processing with electron beam
Formation of mixed X,n-radiation field at an electron accelerator
Photonuclear production of ⁹⁹Mo/ ⁹⁹ᵐТс-generator with using effect Szilard-Chalmers and electrolysis method
Measurement of electron beam energy characteristics at an industrial accelerator
The effect of gamma radiation on structure of struvite-К
Photonuclear production of Yb-175