PACS number: 07.57.-c Purpose: Study of excitation features for the first higher axialasymmetric type oscillations in an open resonator connected into the waveguide transmission line.Design/methodology/approach: To determine the efficiency of higher oscillation excitation in the resonator by using...
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Дата: | 2017 |
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Мова: | rus |
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Назва журналу: | Radio physics and radio astronomy |
Radio physics and radio astronomyРезюме: | PACS number: 07.57.-c Purpose: Study of excitation features for the first higher axialasymmetric type oscillations in an open resonator connected into the waveguide transmission line.Design/methodology/approach: To determine the efficiency of higher oscillation excitation in the resonator by using the highest wave of a rectangular waveguide, the coefficient of the antenna surface utilization is used. The coefficient of reflection from the open resonator is determined by the known method of summation of the partial coefficients of reflection from the resonant system.Findings: The excitation efficiency of the first higher axial asymmetric type TEM10q oscillations in an open resonator connected into the waveguide transmission line, using the TE20 type wave, is considered. The research efforts were made with accounting for the electromagnetic field vector nature. It is shown that for certain sizes of exciting coupler the excitation efficiency of the working excitation is equal to 0.867. Besides, this resonant system has a single frequency response within a wide band of frequencies. Due to this, it can be applied for summation of powers for individual sources of oscillations. Since this resonant system allows separating the matching functions as to the field and coupling, it is possible to provide any prescribed coupling of sources with a resonant volume. For this purpose, one-dimensional diffraction gratings (E-polarization) are used.Conclusions: With the matched excitation of axially asymmetric modes of oscillations the resonant system has an angular and frequency spectrum selection that is of great practical importance for powers summation. By application of one-dimensional diffraction gratings (E-polarization), located in apertures of coupling elements, the active elements can be matched with the resonant volume.Keywords: terahertz frequencies, open resonator, rectangular waveguide, oscillation excitation efficiency, summation of powersManuscript submitted 28.08.2016Radio phys. radio astron. 2017, 22(1): 67-77 REFERENCES1. SIEGEL, PETER H., 2002. Terahertz Technology. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 910–928. DOI: 2. SITNIKOV, A. G., MIKHAILOV, V. M. and TELMINOV, A. E., 2009. Terahertz radiation: application in molecular spectroscopy and sources of molecular radiation. Optika atmosfery i okeana. vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1092–1098 (in Russian). 3. POPOVIC, Z. and GROSSMAN, E. N., 2011. THz metrology and instrumentation. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 133–144. DOI: 4. KULIPANOV, G. N., 2010. Generation and application of terahertz radiation: history and perspective. 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